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Organic Raw Chia Seeds


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About Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are the edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, a flowering plant in the mint family native to central and southern Mexico. Chia seeds are oval and gray with black and white spots, having a diameter around 2 millimeters.

Chia seeds are superfoods especially for vegetarians and vegans. Chia seeds are easy to prepare and often used as an egg substitute and added to oatmeal or smoothies. They are widely used in breakfast recipes and eaten as snacks as well.

Chia seeds are hygroscopic i.e. can absorb up to 12 times their weight in liquid when soaked and develop a distinctive gel texture. This gel also known as chia milk can be used as an egg substitute for cakes as well. Earthen Story Chia seeds are certified organic.

Health Benefits

  • Chia seeds are an excellent source of healthy polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which cannot be made by our body and must be obtained from foods. Chia seeds contain approximately 26–35% oil by weight and have one of the highest known content of alpha-linolenic acid.
  • One tablespoon of chia seeds provides a total of 5 grams of fiber, hence good for heart health and promotes weight loss by keeping you full. High amount of fiber also helps in keeping the gut healthy.
  • Chia seeds also provide 2 grams of protein per tablespoon, which accounts for 4% of our daily diet.
  • Rich in magnesium and phosphorus, chia seeds are a good source of electrolytes, which regulate fluid and are important for muscle function
